Custom AI Apps

AI-Powered Custom Application Development 

Let’s face it. Off-the-shelf software solutions are often incompatible with unique business requirements. That’s where custom AI application development can help.

Think of Antares custom application development as an exciting experience where you are in the driver’s seat, co-designing with our experienced team your next amazing way of doing business and delivering value to your customers. As an experienced Microsoft Solution Partner with strong custom development experience, Antares gathers requirements, identifies essential functionality and develops bespoke applications that meet your needs.

From Intelligent Bots to Cloud Application solutions, we can help!

Custom application development

Create the perfect solution for your unique requirements

Harness the potential of AI

Every business is different and comes with their own set of organisational requirements. We can build a custom chatbot dedicated towards your business needs whether it’s for sales, marketing or other internal use!

The capabilities of intelligent bots are unparalleled and can be leveraged to simulate human conversations for a friendly interaction, improve your customer service and ultimately save time. Transform your organisation’s operations with our personalised intelligent bots and get rich access to key insights.

Optimise your investment for greater agility and efficiency

Legacy systems are an obstacle of dilemma and can hold you back from operating in an agile and responsive manner. We understand that many organisations continue to use these systems because of the high risk and difficulty involved in shifting to a new system. Our application modernisation service is the solution!

We can modernise your existing systems and breathe new life into them by updating them with upgraded features and abilities. Enjoy increased organisational value and empower your business to be agile and responsive to industry changes.

Scale your business with the help of the cloud

Accelerate your organisation’s growth and drive innovation by unlocking the capabilities of the cloud. Cloud applications offer a cost-effective method of flexibility and agility in scaling your resources on demand, giving you the support to grow and change whenever you require.

Cloud applications deliver value to organisations of all industries backgrounds, sizes and types with their elastic nature and variable use cases, so you’ll be guaranteed to enjoy higher levels of productivity and agility.

  • Unlock the Power of Azure Technologies

    From custom AI applications to CoPilots and chatbots we’re here to guide you through the world of AI. Our experts specialise in creating bespoke AI applications to meet your unique business needs. Leverage AI for success while we also assist you in building modern apps on Azure.

  • Seamless Application Integration

    Achieve seamless integration with our expert guidance. We ensure that your applications, both AI-based and modern, work together harmoniously to streamline your operations and drive efficiency.

  • Crafting Modern Application on Azure

    We help you build modern applications on Azure, leveraging the latest technologies to ensure your business stays at the forefront of innovation.

  • Migrate Your Apps to Microsoft Azure

    Transition your applications to the cloud with confidence. Our migration expertise ensures a smooth journey to Microsoft Azure for enhanced performance and scalability, whether you’re working with AI or modern applications.

How We Deliver Value


We care about the people we work with, ourselves, our colleagues, our customers, and the outcome


We ask a lot of questions, our ability to get to the root of the problem is key to creating success

Get It

We make sure we get the real problem we are trying to solve and how we can add value


We bring innovation to the table to make sure you get the right result.

Our Approach to Custom Application Development

Our approach is to align to where you are at – do you have a full-blown requirements document that has all the “i’s” dotted and the “t’s” crossed? Great, we can absolutely help.

What if you don’t have all this detail but you understand the problem and have an idea of what you think may help solve it? Perfect, this is where we do our best work!

We love to work with clients to take that idea and make it real. We often start with a customer who can put one or two paragraphs together on what they are trying to solve, our team then comes to life and help flesh out what the underlying problem is and then we ideate on how technology might be able to solve it. Here we bring our core values to the table.

We then work collaboratively with you through our consultative relationship approach, we workshop your problem to get a true understanding of it, see where the gaps are, and what you need in order to achieve your business outcomes. We also ideate your future state: where are you going to be in one, five, ten years?

That’s how we build great software that solves real problems!

  • Understand current state
  • Ask questions to understand the real problem, challenges & goals
  • Roadmap the journey
  • Identify priorities and time frames
  • Start small, deliver value quickly

Future-Proofing the Past: How Antares helped State Library of NSW to Optimise Digitisation

In the midst of a decade-long process to digitise mass amounts of heritage material for the public, State Library of NSW sought expertise from Cloud Collective partner, Antares, to improve efficiency and transparency across the project.

Contacts us to discuss your next custom application

“The system has brought us data integrity, a single source of truth for all data elements, and integration with our catalogue system. Now everything is integrated and we can see it directly and ensure all data is correct. It’s a major enhancement to the way we do things.”

Raqib Sabur, Project Leader Digitisation, State Library

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